Click 1 of the 2 buttons if you want to Donate now

(Scroll down to Pledge and for more information on each extremely reputable charity.)

(On the Project Blue site: select “Clay Phillips” in designation drop-down menu.)

Pledge Form

Complete this form if you’re not ready to send funds yet but want Clay to know you’re committed to supporting him and/or you want to tie your pledge to a specific accomplishment to keep Clay motivated.

Your pledge can be a single amount or an amount per hole, per round, per par, or a variety of combinations. (Scroll down for MANY more ideas) Use the drop-down to note which of the two charities you wish your pledge to go to, then press “send”.


You have the choice of two very reputable non-profit partners.

Project Blue is associated with the Covenant Church, a Christian denomination based in Chicago.

Project Blue Info Site

Water First International a non-profit organization that installs high-quality piped water systems in the world's poorest communities.

Water First International Info Site

I have seen first hand how both organizations work with local experts and community members to find the best sustainable solution in each location whether it’s a well, piped system, BioSand Filter, or rainwater harvesting. And with every water point funded, the local partners coordinate sanitation and hygiene training. They assure community involvement and commitment to the water programs through labor and contribution of materials and finances, and establishment of a local Water Committee to help keep water flowing permanently. (Did you know 35 to 50% of water projects fail after a few years due to neglect?)  Your contribution will go directly to fix the problem AND assure that it’s a long-term fix!


Here at 50in50in50 World Headquarters, we believe in options.  So, we have added the above PLEDGE FORM.   It allows you to make a monetary pledge without actually putting out any bucks. You might want to consider using this if one or more of the following reasons applies to you:

 1.    You don’t yet have the vast amounts of money that you want to give to this great cause but will by the end of October when I finish my goofy adventure. (For example, you and your friends are scheduled to rob a bank, but not until September.)

2.    You want to make sure I can actually do this before you dish out the cash.  I mean, c’mon, I am old.  Really old.  I still remember how excited I was when our house got a color tv!  I was enthralled with seeing Man From U.N.C.L.E. in color and didn’t think life could possibly get any better.

3.    You want to enhance the drama.  Yah, sure, there’s some drama already:

·       Can the old guy stay awake during all that driving?

·       Can his creaky old body really play 900 holes of golf? 

·       Will he stay on schedule or face blizzards and hurricanes?

But maybe you want more drama by forcing me to do it all WELL.  Can I play GOOD golf?  Can I tame my raging temper?  Can I frantically drive over 9000 miles in my little sports car without a speeding ticket? If you’re a drama-enhancement-sort of supporter, you can fashion your own Pledge package from the following menu of factors (or create some of your own) (In setting the $ amount per factor, you may want to consider my parenthetical self-assessment):

a.     $___ per Round (Not much extra drama here.  I’m playing 50 rounds …uh…unless I can’t because my body turns on me or the floodwaters rise)

b.    $___ per par (I usually par over half of my holes on my home course; but can I produce at that level day after day on unfamiliar courses?)

c.     $___ per birdie (I ‘m usually good for one per round.)

d.    $___ per eagle (I’ve made two of these over the past year, and it’s been a very good year.)

e.     $___ per Hole in One or Albatross (I’ve NEVER made a hole-in-one and I’ve seen an Albatross (a “2” on a par five) once on tv: Louis Oosthuizen at the 2012 Masters.)

f.      $___ per round that I DON’T curse (O.K. I admit it.  I’m an intense golfer and I continue to work to control my inner demons.  Ordinarily, I’d say you could safely put a high dollar amount here with little risk.  However, I’ve successfully negotiated with the supporter (Dick Paff, see below) who devised this pledge factor that since Thomas Crapper is a historical figure of high accomplishment, to say “crap” is merely to pay homage to his significant achievements (look it up). Per this negotiated settlement, “crap”, does not constitute a curse word. So, if you choose this Pledge factor, you must also note whether you agree with the “Thomas Crapper Allowance”…. If you don’t, your money is pretty safe on this one.)

g.     $___ per state that I don’t get a speeding ticket in (Let’s be clear, I do obey the law… but sometimes my car does bad things against my will. I get a free pass in Hawaii and Alaska (since I won’t be driving) and believe I will drive safely through all 48.  I KNOW for sure that I can safely sneak through Idaho, Iowa, North Dakota, Michigan, Delaware and Rhode Island because I’m only there for a moment.)

h.    $___ per round under 80 (With an 9.3 index, I’m always assuming I’ll break 80 but I actually only do less than 20% of the time…which probably contributes to saying bad words under my breath way too often.)

i.       $___ per round without a double bogey or worse (It seems I always have at least one “blow-up” hole each round.)

j.      $___ per round that I don’t throw, slam or break my club in a childish tantrum (Again, I’m intense. However, I’ve gotten much better in recent years and have dramatically reduced such ridiculous outbursts.  I’d like to believe it’s because I’m finally becoming a mature adult but fear it’s simply because these clubs are so expensive to replace.)

k.     $___ per round that I play in the rain.  (I appreciate anybody who pledges in this category because it demonstrates great empathy and will certainly help motivate me. I’d be shocked if I stay bone dry for 50 rounds.)

l.       $___ per round where the temperature dips below 50° (Oh, I’m SO not looking forward to any frigid rounds!  I hope there are none.)

J. Give $1000 that reduces by $10 with each double-bogey or higher over the course of the 50 days. (I’m usually good for a couple double-bogies each round. NOTE: If the balance drops below $0, I will NOT owe you money!)

And these added by my faithful supporters Aaron and Lisa…

$___ bonus if you are forcibly removed from any of the establishments you scheduled at. (photo evidence required)

$___ extra for any day of golfing that results in chafing severe enough to warrant bandages, wraps, or ointments. (PLEASE NO PHOTOGRAPHS)

My amazing and generous friends, Dick and Nancy Paff, have devised the following “Paff Pledge” that will definitely keep me inspired to keep trudging and try to play awesome golf:

  • $1 per Par

  • $10  for every round

  • $10 per Birdie

  • $50 per Eagle

  • $1,000 per Hole in One or Double Eagle

  • $1 per state that I don’t get a driving ticket

  • $10 per round where I don’t curse.

AND For every person who accepts the challenge and donates the same amounts on the same basis, Dick & Nancy will add $250!!! (Just write “I’ll do the Paff Pledge!” on the Pledge Form above.)

(Just a reminder, I have an 8.8 golf handicap as of February 17. I usually get par on over half my holes, sometimes get birdies, very rarely get eagles, have never had a hole-in-one or double eagle and am usually good for 1 to 3 double bogeys or worse. Of course, all that is usually on my home course and NOT playing strange courses day after day after day after day…)